Beaten to the Punch


I hinted I had something fun on Wednesday, but the folks at Opinio Juris and UN Dispatch put it out before I had the chance. Sarah Palin is a strong supporter of U.S. accession to the Law of the Sea Convention. She (or more likely someone on her staff with her full support) understands how the Convention works and how it will positively benefit Alaska and the U.S.
Palin sent a letter to Sens. Stevens and Murkowski in 2007 proclaiming her unqualified support. The money quote:

However, as you know, ratification has been thwarted by a small group of senators concerned about the perceived loss of U.S. sovereignty. I believe quite the contrary is the case. If the U.S. does not ratify the convention, we will be denied access to the forum established by the international community to adjudicate claims to submerged lands in the arctic.

That’s something Senator McCain might have said not so long ago, but he won’t stand by what he knows is right for the Navy, business, the environment and the country’s national security. Will Gov. Palin?
— Scott Paul
Two Additional Notes: First, Palin has also apparently invested in mutual funds with holdings in companies that help the Sudanese government. She says she’ll divest. Second, a hearty congratulations to Martti Ahtisaari, a first-class peacemaker who has built bridges and trust for decades among groups facing a broad range of challenges. Bravo.


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