Tick Tock: McChrystal to Petraeus, Rudd to Gillard



This is just a week of regime change, even if those going out and those coming in look very similar in overall perspective. General Stanley McChrystal has been replaced by counter-insurgency uber-guru General David Petraeus. Bottom line: No policy change in Afghanistan.

Power is Relative: Runaway General Stanley McChrystal has to Go



Barack Obama has an easy choice to make: fire a general who has established a culture of insubordination and indifference toward civilian leaders and partners in government or defer yet again to a general who acquires power like medals every time he outwits or outmaneuvers the White House.

Rethinking A Counterproductive Dichotomy



(Photo Credit: State Department Photo by Michael Gross) George Washington University Middle East Studies Program Director and Foreign Policy Middle East Channel Editor Marc Lynch has an excellent post up on the legacy of a counter-productive Bush administration narrative.

Some Good News to Share



Oakley has pulled through the worst of this stomach-turning nightmare, his as well as ours. Those of us who are attached to this pup thank everyone for their effusive, really wonderful and thoughtful notes that have come to us in large waves.

White House Statement on Gaza



I’m flying across country today, on my way to Reno, Nevada — where from a dingy hotel according to Jonathan Alter’s fascinating new book, The Promise: President Obama, Year One, then candidate Barack Obama triggered the start of a serious White House transition plan.

Budrus Is a Must-See



I was honored last night to be invited to a small showing of the movie Budrus, a documentary about one town in the West Bank that successfully and non-violently resisted Israeli efforts in 2003 to build the separation barrier in a way that would have encircled the town, cutting the residents off from their land…