Ike’s Nightmare: America’s National Intelligence Complex Exposed



Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The Pulitzer Prize-winning Dana Priest and William Arkin have in the Washington Post blown the top of America’s fear-fueled national intelligence complex that has grown so large and extensive that the government can’t track redundancies, costs, personnel, and the like.

No More Troubles in Belfast…?



(Photo Credit: lyng833’s Photostream) This is a guest note by Sean Kay, who is a professor of politics at Ohio Wesleyan University and an associate of the Mershon Center for International Security Studies at the Ohio State University.

China Credit Card Fun: Black Cat, White Cat & My Cat



It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice. — Deng Xiaoping Li Zhaoxing, pictured to the left, on my new Capitol One credit card is a very cool diplomat. During part of the Cultural Revolution, he worked in China’s Embassy in Kenya and learned Swahili.




(Shop along South Luogo Alley, Beijing; photo credit: Andrew Oros) I have seen a lot of foreigners wearing this ObaMao shirt, but no Chinese yet.

Let the Sun Shine Through



When James and Deborah Fallows lived in Beijing, Jim regularly featured on his blog pictures of the weather — well, the smog — from his balcony. This is not from my balcony but it does capture just how thick the smog is in Beijing right now.

China’s Gravitational Pull



On this trip to China, I haven’t yet made it up to the Shanghai Expo, but I hope to go soon. China’s Pavilion towers among the rest and is a testament to the fact that after a few hundred tough years, China is back.

Beijing Wonk Shops



I’ve been in Beijing for a few days, but in contrast to most of my previous trips here, my schedule thus far has been driven more by happenstance and serendipity than planning.

How Britain is Dealing with the Bush Years



In the wake of Barack Obama’s election, the extent to which he has continued many Bush administration counterterrorism policies has surprised many, especially when looking not only at the continuation and expansion of tactics such as drone strikes, but also at the degree to which the administration has used tools such as the state secrets…