JAMES WOOLSEY CONTINUES TO SPREAD PARANOIA AND THE POLITICS of permanent threat to keep America focused on its fears rather than figuring out the best path back to a high trust/low fear world.
JAMES WOOLSEY CONTINUES TO SPREAD PARANOIA AND THE POLITICS of permanent threat to keep America focused on its fears rather than figuring out the best path back to a high trust/low fear world.
THE FIRESTORM OVER JOHN KERRY’S COMMENTS ABOUT MARY CHENEY, which are raging on all the spin shows and even on the public comments on this blog and in about 200 emails I have received about this, signifies that the question of society’s stance towards homosexuality is burning strong among the passions of many Americans.
IN THE THIRD AND FINAL DEBATE, JOHN KERRY SCORED WITH THE GROUP with which he most needed to connect: women. I watched the debates with 150 students at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland — hosted by the College Republicans here.
FOR THOSE OF YOU IN THE WASHINGTON, D.C. AREA, feel free to join a couple of different meetings I will be attending tomorrow. At noon tomorrow (Wednesday), I will be speaking in a program with Anatol Lieven offering comments about his new book America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism.
BUSH WAS ON THE SAME PAGE AS JOHN KERRY WHEN COMMENTING in October 2001 on the Israeli-Palestinian terrorism and arguing that he was not absent from the peace process. He said: . . .we are fully committed to working with both sides to bring the level of terror down to an acceptable level for both….
THERE IS ANOTHER SERIOUS INCURSION OF AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES working its way through the Congress in the name of 9/11 and the “War on Terror.” And John Ashcroft is behind this Orwellian statute.
ALTHOUGH THERE ARE SOME EUROPEAN BLOGS HERE AND THERE, I haven’t run across many. And it’s clear from my conversations with hundreds of people in France these last couple of days, very few Europeans know that blogs and blogging exist.
HERE’S A FACTOID FOR JOHN KERRY ON DOMESTIC SECURITY. The New York Port Authority is cutting down on cops and overtime for police at Kennedy Airport.
DAVID HALE IS ONE OF THOSE POLYGLOT ECONOMISTS WHO MESMERIZE, exhaust, inform, and entertain all at the same time. There are a few of those types out there, and I really enjoy spending time with David and the very few others out there like him. I always learn a lot. Hale was just in D.C….