Senator Chafee, When Do Anecdotes about John Bolton Become Data?



According to this report by Barry Schweid, Lincoln Chafee still intends to vote to confirm John Bolton. Dafna Linzer and Charles Babington of the Washington Post report this from Chafee: “It was strong testimony from Mr. Ford. He used strong language,” Chafee said. But “it’s all focused on this one incident.

Lincoln Chafee Opens Up the Key Question of Who Undermined America’s North Korea Policy: Jack Pritchard or John R. Bolton?



What We Know So Far about Ambassador Jack Pritchard, John Bolton, James Woolsey, Senator Jon Kyl, and American National Security John Bolton not only tried to get intelligence agent Christian Westermann “removed” from Bolton’s portfolio (read, “fired”) at the State Department, he also seems to have recruited help outside the State Department bureaucracy — from…




John Bolton was the most important advocate of the Niger-Uranium fiction inside the State Department, despite this intelligence being soundly and vigorously rejected by BOTH State Department intelligence analysts AND Central Intelligence Agency analysts.

Lincoln Chafee Drops Bomb Shell that Few Have Looked At



Lincoln Chafee may not have intended to undo John Bolton, but I think he may have set up the “loose cannon” charge better than any other Member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He asked Bolton about his now infamous July 31, 2003 “A Dictatorship at the Crossroads” Speech given about U.S.