Bolton and the Valerie Plame Scandal Grand Jury
I spent much of Friday speaking with people at MSNBC, including officials in the network’s communication and legal department, as well as with Hardball correspondent David Schuster.
I spent much of Friday speaking with people at MSNBC, including officials in the network’s communication and legal department, as well as with Hardball correspondent David Schuster.
TWN has just learned from a highly placed source — and in the right place to know — that John Bolton was a regular source for Judith Miller’s New York Times WMD and national security reports.
David Schuster of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews made a whopper revelation about grand jury testimony in the Valerie Plame-outing investigation: John Bolton has testified about the top secret document that Colin Powell had aboard Air Force One. TWN has confirmed with MSNBC that it it standing by its story.
CIA Director George Tenet was steamed when Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert identity was revealed — and his people put it to him to insist on a serious investigation. Tenet would not back off when others in the White House tried to evade at the time — and Tenet demanded that this investigation take place.
. . .and while they are at it, Ned Flanders could enter the local “John Bolton Look-Alike Contest.” That might get a few more entries than the Ned Flanders look-alike contest, although JB could go for it. Jon Stewart has got to pick this up. . .or Saturday Night Live. Or even Tim Russert.
Just an hour ago, I mentioned that Frank Gaffney made a wrong-headed linkage between the Gaza pull-out and the London bombings. Now, Gaffney is asserting that we are all at risk from the United Nations imposing a global tax on unsuspecting citizens everywhere.
I may be making comparing things that should not be compared, but nonetheless, the connection was made when catching up with some reading this morning.
There’s a lot going on in the world. Most of you probably know that there was a low casualty terrorist incident in London involving four bombs. I’ve spent the last several days with some seriously smart — and dangerous — people out at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Interesting. Bush did not pick someone who is a flaming right-wing ideologue for the Supreme Court.
Reports are coming in that conflict with CNN’s tip that Edith Brown Clement will be nominated by President Bush tonight. Apparently, ABC News is reporting that she will not be the nominee. Keep your powder dry. . .More later.