It’s Time to Chart a New Course on Afghanistan



This “It’s Time” ad will be running on various CNN slots this week to push for reduction of forces in Afghanistan. The ad is more assertive and emotional than I am on these issues. I’m not a pacifist and there are times when war and the deployment of force are important, vital tools.

Palestine Papers Take Down Saeb Erekat



There are a number of tragedies here — but the biggest is that it is unlikely that a Palestinian government in the future will make the robust set of offers that Saeb Erekat put before the Israeli government.

What Does the Egyptian Revolution Mean For Palestine?



This is a guest post by Amjad Atallah, the Executive Consulting Editor for the Palestine Note, where the post originally appeared. He is also Director of the Middle East Task Force at the New America Foundation and an editor for the Middle East Channel at

The Last Pharaoh?



Mubarak has given up his powers to the military. In the eyes of the Egyptian public, this counts as resignation. Now the tough part really begins.

Getting Over the Political Islam Allergy



James Goldgeier has just published a smart, short piece that outlines the structural differences between the revolutions that brought down totalitarian regimes in 1989 and what is now unfolding in 2011.

Al Jazeera: Digital Revolutions & Social Network Wars


(click on image for larger version) Tomorrow at 2:45 pm in New York at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism (Lecture Hall, 3rd Floor), Al Jazeera is organizing a public (no charge) meeting hosted by Al Jazeera Empire host Marwan Bishara titled “Information Wars.