U.S.-China Strategy and Punditry: Some Thoughts



Yesterday evening, the New America Foundation‘s American Strategy Program organized a thoughtful session debating the future of American strategy vis-a-vis China. The participants were Jim Pinkerton, Michael Lind, Sherle Schwenninger, Ted Halstead, Barry Lynn, Jennifer Buntman, Robert Wright, and myself.

Judge Sam Alito: I LIED on My Job Application Form. Really, I Did. . .



Sam Alito needs to be stopped. Enough has now been unearthed to show that, if confirmed, he is going to be an activist Supreme Court Associate Justice taking America back into the deeply divisive wars over abortion, gender equality, and racial equality that all legislative means should be deployed to stop his confirmation.

Tony Blankley Needs Some Time Off



I just got an email noting that Fox News’ Tony Snow had the quote of the day. After a bit of digging, I found that it wasn’t Tony Snow but rather Tony Blankley in his Town Hall column. He is trying to rally support for Bush with a lot of sticky sophism.

CBO Chief Douglas Holtz-Eakin Says “Enough”



Actually, my headline is misleading. CBO Director Doulas Holtz-Eakin has been offered a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” according to him, to serve as the Paul A. Volcker Fellow in International Economics and the Director of the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. He assumes his post on December 30th.