<em>TWN</em> Out and About on Tuesday



For those of you in Washington, feel free to stop by at 4 p.m. for a program on Sino-Japanese Relations at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, organized by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. Charles Kupchan will be moderating a session featuring University of Tokyo Professor Akio Takahara.

Frank Gaffney’s War Against <em>Al Jazeera</em>



I thought that Frank Gaffney’s outrageous comments last week that, under certain circumstances, it would be laudable for U.S. forces to bomb Al-Jazeera’s Doha headquarters were the first time he had suggested destroying this important Arab media network.

Randall “The Corrupt Duke” Cunningham Resigns



The repugnant Duke Cunningham — who was involved as well in the old Tailhook scandal — has finally resigned his House seat after admitting that he took bribes. An Associated Press report just posted on the New York Times website: Rep. Randy ”Duke” Cunningham pleaded guilty Monday to conspiracy and tax charges, admitting taking $2.

President Bush, You Think That They Hate Us Because We are Free?



I think that they hate us for not making clear that “their” lives matter. Read this clip in the Sunday Telegraph that only compounds the damage done by prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. It looks like private defense contractors under contract with the United States government have serial killers out just randomly shooting people.