John Bolton: My Views on the UN Remain Unchanged



Senator Norm Coleman just asked John Bolton that now after he has been inside the UN whether his views of the institution and its role have changed at all. John Bolton’s response: “Not really.” On that basis alone, Senator George Voinovich should flip his vote again.




Something weird just happened. I received the first formal “opening statement” of John Bolton just before the hearings began and quickly read it. I highlighted in my last post what I saw as the most shocking part of his statement and reported it.

John Bolton Hearings Begin



I am covering the John Bolton hearings from 216 Hart Senate Office Building. Senator Lugar has just called the hearing to order and opened proceedings. So far, the Senators in attendance are Barbara Boxer, Richard Lugar, John Warner, George Allen, Chris Dodd, George Voinovich and Norm Coleman.

The Bolton Battle 2.0: Confirmation Hearing Tomorrow



Here are some very useful resources regarding the John Bolton confirmation hearing in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. First of all, The Washington Note will be there. Second, for others who want to be there — the hearing will be taking place in 216 Hart Senate Office Building (a big room)….

This News May Undermine International Stabilization Force



There have been several thousand UN observers stationed in Lebanon for 28 years. Their role was not peacekeeping — but they have been at least an institutional “toe in the door” in Lebanon and the neighborhood around Israel. Today, at least two UN observers were killed in a strike by Israel.