America Plays Poker While Iran Plays Chess



UPI Editor Emeritus Martin Walker has put out a useful essay on a Royal Institute of International Affairs report on Iran and the U.S. The Chatham House/RIIA report can be downloaded as a pdf here. I love the line about American poker players and Iran’s chess strategy.

Middle East Realities Discussion Today — Live on C-Span 2



Today at 12:15 p.m., I will be charing a session with RAND’s International Security and Defence Policy Center Director James Dobbins and my new colleague Daniel Levy, who has just joined as a Senior Fellow of the New America Foundation and is Director of NAF’s Middle East Policy Initiative.

Japan’s Right-Wingers Out of Control



(Japan’s Prime Minister INUKAI Tsuyoshi who was assassinated in May 1932 in his official residence by a group of right-wing militarists who opposed Inukai’s recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Manchuria and who was a staunch defender of parliamentary democracy in Japan) Japan is making its way back as a topic of interest on the nation’s…

<em>TWN</em> Does Coffee Shops: Advance Notice



One of the things I really enjoy doing is meeting regular folks; TWN readers; students; would be Congressman, Senators, Presidents and US Trade Representatives (in an alternative universe); soldiers who have returned from Afghanistan and Iraq; mothers; and weimaraner lovers when I travel.

John Bolton: Setting Up the Lebanon-Deployed UN Force for Failure



John Bolton spent four months and made approximately 70 journalist and editorialist calls setting low expectations for the embryonic UN Human Rights Council. Had he spent nearly this amount of effort working to actually secure a Human Rights Council that met American expectations, we would probably have succeeded far beyond expectations.