Open Thread: Dog Days



These pics should inspire some “open thread” chatting. The first is clearly a comment on “body languange.” The next below misinterprets canine-eze as my read of “grrrrr, bark, woof” is that the dogs are just excited about the likelihood soon of new representation at the UN. Open thread.

FYI: Dismantling the “Global War on Terror” Metaphor



I am chairing an event on Wednesday afternoon titled “Dismantling the ‘Global War on Terror’ Metaphor: Thoughts on Mending America’s Global Position” with George Soros. Soros will address themes in his recent book, The Age of Fallibility: Consequences of the War on Terror, which will be available at the event.

SPOOF: Baggage Hostage Release Date



As I reported earlier, I am getting the full outside the beltway treatment in Iowa and Wisconsin. I’m actually having a great time and have met some fascinating folks out here — but because I had some toothpaste, deoderant, shaving cream and all that, I checked in my small bag.

TWN in Iowa: 5th Anniversary of 9/11



It’s taken a bit of doing. I flew into Chicago. Connecting flight to Cedar Rapids was cancelled. Told there were no more flights until tomorrow. Rented the last car they had available for a one-way trip to Iowa City. Drove four hours.