John Bolton and North Korea’s Nukes



Well, the North Koreans have had their test. John Bolton has a lot of new fuel for his bluster at the UN, but I hope one of these days, folks take a step back and ask how this happened.

The Taliban is Back



So much for those “Mission Accomplished” and “Victory” speeches. Things are tilting very bad directions in Afghanistan.

North Korea Watch: Fishing a Stream? Or Provoking a War?



The North Korea problem needs management. . .now. While this may sound like a modest incident, it’s very scary. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, escalation, and violence in an already tense situation given North Korea’s seeming determination to hold a nuclear test are possible triggers for a regional conflagration in Northeast Asia.

CHALLENGE CHENEY Wherever He Goes: The Handcuffs Are Worth It



Vice President Cheney’s disregard for America’s system of checks and balances and his huff-and-puff advocacy of unilateral military responses to complex national security challenges has really harmed America’s portfolio of interests. He should be challenged every time and every where he speaks.

Michael Lind on a Global Concert of Powers



The unilateral thing is failing — so time to consider alternative options. Michael Lind, in his new book The American Way of Strategy puts a proposal out that international stability and prosperity will best be pursued in the future through regional concerts of power. Here is an excellent summary of the book.

A Day Bush Won’t Want to Remember



(FEMA Director Michael Brown, President George W. Bush, and Florida Congressman Mark Foley) What was it about a picture being better than a thousand words? One wonders if Scooter Libby, Paul Bremer, and Don Rumsfeld have been cropped out of the shot.

Bush the Elder Swats Bush the Younger Good



Kremlinology may be anachronistic, but observing and interpreting Bush-world has taken its place as one of my extra-curricular activities. I can hardly believe that George Bush 41 throttled his son so harshly in a speech he gave last night at the home of the German Ambassador to the U.S.

Why Didn’t Hastert Know? And Why Didn’t He Want to Know It?



Congressman Mark Foley once commented that he was dismayed and disheartened by the tainting of the Presidency by Bill Clinton’s “sexual addiction problem.” What comes around. . . I have not commented much on the blog about this growing scandal about who knew what when in the Mark Foley/Congressional page imbroglio.

Too Early for a Tizzy on Bolton Recess Appointment



A lot of pro-John Bolton pundits and followers as well as many in the network of people and institutions opposed to Bolton’s confirmation are in a tizzy about a small gossip item that ran on an on-line conservative weekly magazine, Human Events.