Roster of New Committee Chairs in US Senate



Issued today by Senator Harry Reid’s office: AGRICULTURE — Tom Harkin APPROPRIATIONS — Robert Byrd ARMED SERVICES — Carl Levin BANKING — Chris Dodd COMMERCE — Daniel Inouye ENERGY — Jeff Bingaman ENVIRONMENT & PUBLIC WORKS — Barbara Boxer FINANCE — Max Baucus FOREIGN RELATIONS — Joseph Biden HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR & PENSIONS — Edward…

Jim Leach Could be “Confirmed Unanimously” by the Senate



Here are copies of two letters that Congressmen Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Jim Walsh (R-NY) have distributed today to Members of Congress calling for the President to nominate Congressman Jim Leach as US Ambassador to the United Nations “in the event that Ambassador Bolton’s term is not extended.” Here is the “Dear Colleague“.

Dennis Hastert Going to Japan



(House Speaker Dennis Hastert, former Prime Minister of Japan Junichiro Koizumi, and former US Ambassador to Japan Howard Baker) Sources have confirmed to TWN that outgoing House Speaker Dennis Hastert tops the list of possible alternatives to succeed George Bush’s Texas Rangers baseball buddy Tom Schieffer as US Ambassador to Japan, a role that Hastert…

Jim Leach Nomination?



Congressmen Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Jim Walsh (R-NY) have begun to float a “Dear Colleague” letter asking members to sign on to an appeal to the White House to nominate outgoing Iowa Congressman Jim Leach as Ambassador to the United Nations “should the Bolton nomination expire.

Jim Leach for UN Ambassador



A few days ago, I suggested that outgoing Iowa Congressman and House International Relations Committee Member Jim Leach be made John Bolton’s successor as a “100% Sure Senate-Confirmed” US Ambassador to the United Nations.

New Senate Leadership Roster



Senator Harry Reid’s office just released this roster of the new management team of the Senate: Robert C. Byrd, President Pro Temp Harry Reid, Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Assistant Majority Leader Barbara Boxer, Chief Deputy Whip Thomas R. Carper, Deputy Whip Bill Nelson, Deputy Whip Russell D. Feingold, Deputy Whip Charles E.

<em>TWN</em> Media Alert: Open Source with Christopher Lydon



For those at their internet terminals now, Daniel Levy — who has been a whirling dervish in Washington changing the currents of opinion and possibility on Israel-Palestine negotiations — and I will be on Radio Open Source with Christopher Lydon (Boston National Public Radio) from 7 pm until 8 pm EST.