John Edwards is “Getting Ready”



I received an email the other day from John Edwards and his campaign — not yet over the line on running for president — but asking me (and lots of other Americans) if I am going to “get ready” to change things. He’s gearing up and plans to announce tomorrow.

Holidays and Defense Contractors



Wow. I just got the December 27th roster of awarded defense contracts. Perhaps they thought that between Christmas and New Year’s, not that many folks would pay attention. But seriously, we spend a lot of money killing people securing the world.

Joe Biden Says to Bush: “Mr. President, This is Your War”



Senate Foreign Relations Committee incoming Chairman and just declared presidential candidate Joseph Biden is avoiding John Kerry’s political problem and not planning to say “I voted for it before I voted against it” by opposing the President’s plan to surge troop levels in Iraq on the front end.

Comings and Goings



I lost two friends recently, one was older and frequently ill and the other was as healthy as (I think) I am. I want to mention them here and salute them because I learned a lot from both. We all lose folks — part of life.