Japan’s Shinzo Abe: History Denier or Visionary Leader?



Last year, I wrote an article in the Washington Post, “The Rise of Japan’s Thought Police,” suggesting that Japan’s right-wing was harassing important intellectuals, political leaders, business leaders, and other important voices that were engaged in a fair debate about Japan’s relations with China and about the future character of Japan’s imperial institution.

Woolsey Watch: Oil and Anti-Semitism



Former CIA Director James Woolsey is speaking at Yale University next Thursday afternoon. If you are nearby, you should go. Woolsey will be speaking for he Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism on Thursday, 29 March, at 4:15 pm in Linsly-Chittenden Hall, Room 101, 63 High Street in New Haven.

<em>The Situation</em>: New Fictional Film on Chaos in Iraq


I will be in Carlisle, Pennsylvania at Dickinson College Saturday evening for the “central Pennsylvania debut” of a new fictional film on Iraq by Director Philip Haas titled The Situation. Ticket information follows here — but just prior to the show at 7 p.m.

Vice President Vilsack?



Senator and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is about to get former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack’s endorsement. This is pretty big news and strengthens Clinton’s position in Iowa significantly. Vilsack — while a second tier presidential contender — is nonetheless an important part of a credible heartland strategy.

It’s Fun to Poke Tom DeLay



Chris Matthews and Tom DeLay had a tug back and forth on whether DeLay had called Dick Armey “drunk” or “blind” with ambition. DeLay kept insisting through the show that his new book cites Armey as “blind with ambition” but Matthews pointed out to him that the book reads “drunk with ambition.

AIPAC and Foreign Agent Status?



(Israeli Ambassador to Italy and former Foreign Ministry Deputy Director General for Public Affairs Gideon Meir: AIPAC can help so much it hurts) Even the best informed of us can be just real dumb on Friday mornings. I never knew that AIPAC was NOT compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.