America’s Unpaid for Wars



Every once in a while, prominent people say things they don’t think will be heard. Apparently, President Obama went off on the Republicans, John Boehner and Paul Ryan when a mic was open that he didn’t know about. I actually think Obama’s comments were juicy and terrific — mostly on the mark and sincere.

Comments Restored


The decibel level of vulgarity and character assassination on the blog seem to have subsided. Let’s not go down that road again — at all. I am turning off the controls monitoring comments for the time being. I hope that great debates, civilly deployed, now take shape here.

Soros: Fundamental Problems in US Economy Remain Unresolved



Philanthropist and complex systems theorist George Soros shared his views on “The Emerging Economic and Political Order: What Lies Ahead?” at the recent, much reported on major economic policy conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking.

Watch Out: Nellie Oelson is Back



Recently, a profile ran of me in the Washington gay newspaper, the Washington Blade, and in it I noted that Nellie’s Sports Bar was my favorite bar in DC. The above ad is in part why.

Obama Needs to Keep Pushing on America’s Other Deficits



President Barack Obama gave a speech on the federal budget last night that is being applauded by many who were once his most ardent supporters but who have been skeptical of him of late — and pilloried by those on the right who sense their power in just saying no to anything the White House…

F-16s for Taiwan, Dialogue for China



Taiwan has an “urgent” need for a new fleet of F-16s, at least according to Senator Richard Lugar. On April 1, he wrote a letter to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton warning that “Taiwan has legitimate defense needs and its existing capabilities are decaying.

If Dick Cheney Thinks Assault Clips are a Problem. . .



After the horrific shooting tragedy in Tucson in January of this year, many folks across the political spectrum began asking whether the ease of access that people have to assault weapons capacity — or the ease of circumventing background checks by buying weapons at gun shows — was where it should be.

Robert Kuttner on Keynes’ Ghost



This is a guest note by Robert Kuttner, co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect magazine. Kuttner is also a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the think tank Demos. This piece originally appeared at “Tapped,” the blog of The American Prospect.