What is Bush’s Iran Plan?



The real answer is that no one knows. George Bush is holding his cards close and is not giving any indication as to his direction right now — other than keeping all options open.

Leaving Australia



I just ran in to the Australian Ambassador to the United States at the Sydney International Airport, where I’m about to depart for Los Angeles. More when I get back to the U.S.

Michael Ledeen’s Dangerous Iran Obsession



Michael Ledeen — who once told me that he only supported the Iraq War because it provided momentum and pre-positioning of American military forces to then go after Iran — is not going to feel self-actualized until America unleashes a considerable portion of its arsenal against the nation and people of Iran.

Juan Cole — Next Friday in Washington



My blogging colleague, Juan Cole, who publishes the blog, Informed Comment: Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion, will be speaking at a forum I am chairing next week at the New America Foundation. He will be speaking about his just released book, Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East.

Australian American Leadership Dialogue — Melbourne



I’m into the second day of an extraordinary set of meetings, the 15th annual Australian American Leadership Dialogue, staged in Melbourne, Australia. They are extraordinary because of the seriousness and general candor of discussions ranging from climate change policy challenges to the mess in Iraq to brewing issues in Asia and with China.

NOAA Planning Arctic Mapping Expedition



Hm. NOAA is undertaking a mission to map out areas to claim in the American extended continental shelf. Of course, unless the U.S. ratifies the Law of the Sea convention, the mission’s findings are absolutely worthless.