Tallulah’s Foot Tapping Under the Stall



Too bad Senator Craig did not read up on the granddaughter of Senator John H. Bankhead, Tallulah Bankhead, who had this to say about her foot-tapping experiences under bathroom stalls: There was the time she was in Washington for a Democratic Convention honoring her "divine friend, Adlai Stevenson"  . . .

James Woolsey’s Whereabouts



Woolsey’s everywhere. Working hard to start a war with Iran — and perhaps planning to make a lot of money off the conflict if things swing that way.

Gonzales Resigns



A birthday gift for me? Alberto Gonzales has resigned. The inevitable certaily does take a long time in this administration.

The Blumenthals



My co-blogger this week at Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish, Jamie Kirchik, has gone after Max Blumenthal, and Scott Horton has offered a push-back. My sentiments about Max and Sidney are pretty well-known, but let me remind.

O’Hanlon Under Contract with Alhurra



I just wrote this piece for Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish. The zinger — about which I’m withholding judgment but which I think should be in the public domain — is that I have just learned that “A War We Might Just Win” co-author Mike O’Hanlon is under contract with America’s Middle East propaganda network, Alhurra….