The War As We Saw It. . . Two Soldier Op-ed Writers Killed



. . .is now very much in the past tense for two US soldiers, now dead, who helped pen an important August 19th New York Times op-ed, “The War As We Saw It,” authored by seven soldiers in Iraq. FireDogLake has more. Petraeus called these soldiers the new “Greatest Generation.

Grannies Against the Iraq War



I’m working on an article about whether or not we will bomb Iran right now — and am trying to sort through a mesmerizing talk that Peter Bergen gave about a resurgent al Qaeda organization. I’ll be back later when finished with the op-ed.

Washington Post Trashes IAEA



I know I’m a week late in seeing it, did this attack on Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei come out of nowhere or what? The Washington Post doesn’t always get it right, but it’s never gotten it quite this wrong.

Hagel as SecDef or Ambassador to the UN



Chuck Hagel is standing down, something this blog highlighted a few days ago. I think that as things look at the moment, the next president is likely to be a Democrat — but the country still will be deeply divided.

I Like Mike — Does Mike Like Ag?



Iowans have the privilege and responsibility of field testing presidential candidates and in return, they command an attention in our national policy debates that at times allows them to squeeze out a few goodies, such as ethanol subsidies, despite their inefficiencies.

Ever Heard of the Cuban 5? When We Look Like the Bad Guys. . .



(Civil rights attorney Leonard Weinglass) All I’d need to write here is Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib or Haditha to make the case that America has lost its moral credibility in much of the world. It’s tough to make a case against other thugs in the world when we deploy unaccountable thuggery of our own.

<em>The Forward </em> Responds



J.J. Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Forward, says I misinterpreted the editorial he wrote on Israel, the American Jewish community, and the Armenian genocide in my post last week. The writers and editors at The Forward are a very bright and thoughtful bunch, and I value their contributions to the public debate highly.