DAS Michael Corbin at New America for TPM Roundtable


Steve Clemons hosted Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Michael Corbin on Wednesday as part of a regular Talking Points Memo Policy Roundtable series at the New America Foundation for a fascinating off-the-record roundtable on Iraq and the future of the Middle East.

Looking for Ichabod: The View from My Room



Last night and this morning, Pocantico Hills was covered in very thick fog — much like that which dominated the scenes in Washington Irving’s Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Didn’t see Ichabod Crane — but wouldn’t have been surprised.

Responding to China’s Year of the Tiger



Australian Prime Minster Julia Gillard met with her Japanese counterpart, Naoto Kan, in Tokyo last Thursday. In addition to expressing her heartfelt support for the Japanese people after the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis, Ms. Gillard pledged to move “forward a vision for bilateral security and defense co-operation” with Japan. Mr. Kan agreed. Today, Ms….

The View from My Window



(Northern California coastline; photo: Steve Clemons; click image for a much larger version) I like this picture a lot; taken from my car driving South along Northern California coast a couple of weeks go.

Assad’s Syria Shaking



In a long, fascinating interview that Syria President Bashar al-Assad did with the Wall Street Journal’s Jay Solomon in January, Assad spoke extensively about reform.

iTracking You & Me



Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I was off at the movies last night seeing the quite good Water for Elephants when my iPhone text messages began buzzing, buzzing more, and then buzzing again. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.