The Weekly Gaff and John Warner’s Wisdom



This is the second “Weekly Gaff,” a feature inspired by Frank Gaffney, who has engineered a campaign of misinformation in the pages of the Washington Times. In last week’s edition, we touched on treaty arch-enemy Senator Jim Inhofe’s attempt to “retrofit unilateralism” and his concession that the arguments against the treaty aren’t actually true.

The Case for Restraint — and Disaggregation



Professor Barry Posen of MIT has received quite a platform in the most recent issue of The American Interest to make “The Case for Restraint” calling for a major rethink and overhaul of American grand strategy. Posen’s closing summary reads: Since the end of the Cold War 16 years ago, Bill Clinton and George W….

Fred Thompson Wakes Up — and Wakes Me Up



Fred Thompson chose the Enlightenment over the Dark Ages in an interview today with Tim Russert. I heard that the entire interview was excellent — including the section on Iran which I don’t have yet. But on social conservative taboos like gay marriage and the Terry Schiavo case, Thompson sounded ideal.