A Word on Superdelegates



The Democratic Party has a problem. Superdelegates are depriving voters of the influence they deserve by injecting themselves into the election so early.

Tom Lantos Dies



This afternoon, I am scheduled to speak to about 20 Lantos Humanity in Action Fellows about US foreign policy, the campaigns and blogging — and I’ve just learned the sad news that House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Tom Lantos (D-CA) has just passed away today.

Primary Battles Through New Media



Last week, I participated in a televised show with New York public radio host and all round smart guy Brian Lehrer in a discussion about new media, blogs, Facebook, microjournalism and how it was changing the structural ecosystem of political organizing and participation.

Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) Got My Vote This Morning (and Tomorrow)



Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) has been under attack by the right wing of his party lately and has had a tougher than normal primary race — which will take place tomorrow. Gilchrest was one of only two Republican congressman who voted in favor of a timeline for withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

Maine Surprise



Both the Clinton and Obama camps expected Hillary Clinton to take Maine — but thus far with 44% of precincts in, Obama is leading by 15 points.

The Neocons and John McCain



Jim Lobe has a great profile piece on the movement of neoconservative sympathies in the Republican race and notes that a number of neocons and their chief pugnacious nationalist ally John Bolton have moved to support John McCain.