Note to Mitt Romney: Get Out of the Foreign Policy Gutter



In contrast to a number of progressives I know, I was generally supportive of and applauded the early stripes of foreign policy realism that former Massachusetts Governor and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney displayed during the beginning of his campaign.

J Street Protesters



(photo credit: Matt Duss) Anti J Street Protesters express their views outside the Grand Hyatt Hotel this morning.

Tzipi Livni Shows Prime Ministerial Stuff on J Street Conference



The more I listen to Congressional Opposition chief John Boehner as of late, the more I wish he could find the dignity and common ground for big objectives that Israel’s Opposition Party Leader, Kadima Party chief Tzipi Livni, has just demonstrated in a knock-the-ball-out-of-the-park letter to the executive director of the self-described pro-Israel, pro-peace group,…

LIVE STREAM: Al-Qaeda and Its Allies: The Endgame



Welcome/Introductions 9:00-9:15 * Steve Coll, New America Foundation * Karen Greenberg, Center on Law and Security, New York University Panel I: Situation Assessment: The Threat From Al Qaeda and the Situation in South Asia 9:15-9:45 * Peter Bergen, New America Foundation * Shuja Nawaz, South Asia Center, Atlantic Council of the United States Address I:…

Jim Jones on the Israel-Palestine Circuit



National Security Adviser Jim Jones is getting out more — and this is an excellent thing. He recently reinforced the Obama administration’s commitment to an active role in Israel-Palestine issues at the annual gala dinner of the American Task Force on Palestine.

STREAMING LIVE: America’s Jobs Challenge



Yesterday in the Financial Times, Mort Zuckerman suggested that short of a massive government intervention, America was not going to produce anywhere near the number of jobs that needed to be generated — even as it comes out of recession.

Back from Damascus and Amman



I am back in Washington after a long journey back from Damascus and Amman. In the next two days, we hope to have the entire video interview I did with Hamas leader Khaled Mashal ready for viewing. More soon.

Guest Note by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett: Obama – Stop Covert Activities Against Iran and Dump Bush’s Policy of Playing the Sunni-Shi’a “Card”



This is a guest note by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett. Flynt directs the New America Foundation/Iran Project and is a former Senior Director of Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council. Hillary is chairman of Stratega, a political risk consultancy. They are co-publishers of the new blog, The Race for Iran.