Simon Johnson: Obama Confused on CEO Compensation



This is a guest note by Simon Johnson, former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund and co-founder of The Baseline Scenario. Johnson is also a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and a member of the CBO’s Panel of Economic Advisers.

Today Show Discussion of Obama Team Policy Mess



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I did a short interview with NBC Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd yesterday about the essay I did based on Edward Luce’s Financial Times account of things going awry at the inner core of the Obama administration.

John Murtha Dies



Representative John Murtha (D-PA) took on the Swift-Boat crowd. He was an old-line, earmark oriented defense industry hawk who eventually opposed the Iraq War. He died today at 77. From an official release from his office: Congressman John P. Murtha (PA-12) passed away peacefully this afternoon at 1:18 p.m.

Core Chicago Team Sinking Obama Presidency



(Obama’s Core Team at press conference on Obama administration’s 100th day; photo credit: Bill O’leary, Washington Post) Financial Times Washington Bureau Chief Edward Luce has written a granularly informed insider account about those who hold the keys to the inner most sanctum of Obama Land — Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod….

Open Justice: Share Your Ideas



My friend Tracy Russo was involved with launching this brand new Department of Justice website today — just before a hard-hitting winter snow storm shuts down a lot of DC this weekend.