Doha, Political Islam, A Darfur Deal, and DC



Greetings folks. I’m departing Doha in a few hours after having spent an interestin day at the Sheraton here watching the Sudan/Darfur peace agreement signing ceremony — as well as participating in a significant conference titled “Political Islam: Options and Priorities” sponsored by the Al Jazeera Center for Studies.

President Obama, A CEO Would Change Up the Team



President Obama’s closest handlers — Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Robert Gibbs — are under fire from a number of observers, including this one, for deploying the President’s political capital badly, failing to animate and empower the considerable policy and political talent they have appointed to key positions on their team, poorly sequencing…

Surviving While Grabbing the Third Rail



This is a guest note by Stephen M. Walt. The essay, which TWN encouraged Walt to publish after outlines of it appeared in private correspondence, first appeared on Walt’s Foreign Policy blog. Walt is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Guest Post by Anya Landau French: Just Keep Talking



(Photo at: Anya Landau French directs the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. This post was originally published at The Havana Note. Last week in Havana, U.S.

Milbank Shows Rahm Some Love



This morning in the Washington Post, Dana Milbank challenges Edward Luce, Leslie Gelb, Jane Hamsher and me on our recent pieces explicating the management and policymaking mess among Barack Obama’s core team. (Here is my piece.) Let’s set aside for another post the fact that Milbank’s column seems to channel Rahm directly.

Future Shock: Did Rahm Create the Tea Partiers?



Before I get too far into this post, while I don’t believe that Rahm Emanuel is serving the Obama White House well as Chief of Staff, I do think he’s brilliant and would excel in other roles for the team — but that is not the purpose of this post.

Remembering Alexander Haig



I visited Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation Director John Taylor’s interesting blog, The New Nixon, this morning to see what he had posted on General Alexander Haig, whom Taylor knew very well.

The View From Your Window


(photo credit: Bo Elkjaer, Denmark) TWN reader Bo Elkjaer, based in Copenhagen but also a recent visitor to Washington, submitted this for TWN‘s “View from Your Window” feature (borrowed with respect and permission from Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Dish). Bo Elkjaer writes that this shot was taken at the intersection of Alhambravej and H.C….