Obama, Nowruz, Greens & Israel



I thought that President Obama’s Nowruz message to Iranians was — like last year — excellent. I think that this kind of public diplomacy is enormously important in reaching out for the prospects of change — even if the Iran government is recalcitrant.

Show Me the Strategy



According to the Washington Post‘s Glen Kessler, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a surprising comment to the BBC this week. She said that the recent US-Israel confrontation was “paying off”.

Another Perspective On H.R. 252



(Photo Credit: Mariurupe’s Photostream) As I have written on this blog before, I think that the debate surrounding H.R. 252 – a non-binding resolution approved by the House Foreign Affairs Committee earlier this month that calls the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 “genocide” – is very complicated and offers no simple and easy solutions….

Bellinger on Bush-Obama Continuities & KSM Trial



The Dutch premier newspaper, the NRC Handelsblad, has this past week run a candid interview done by DC Bureau Chief Tom-Jan Meeus with John Bellinger III, who is defending Obama administration attorneys from vicious attacks launched by Liz Cheney.

Leo Hindery & Byron Dorgan for Coffee


I always have time for entertainment/communications industry CEO Leo Hindery and Senator Byron Dorgan — and this morning I will be with both of them at a New America Foundation forum on what is needed to chart a credible new course for the US economy.

What Iran Threw Away



This is a guest note exclusive to The Washington Note by Iran expert and well-known diplomatic correspondent Barbara Slavin, author of Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the U.S. and the Twisted Path to Confrontation What Iran Threw Away A senior U.S.

The Barracuda



(photo credit: Kidd Madonny) First of all, this is NOT a Rahm-related blog post. This is a five foot long barracuda that I came within inches of swimming into with my hand a few days ago off of St. John’s Island in the Caribbean.