Counterpoint: Why All the Steam about Obama’s Team?



This is a guest note by former John F. Kennedy Special Counsel and Adviser Theodore “Ted” Sorensen. The piece in part responds to several critiques of the Obama White House management team, including essays by Edward Luce of the Financial Times, myself, and former Council on Foreign Relations President Leslie Gelb.

Charlie Rose Does Flynt & Hillary



Tonight, Charlie Rose spends an hour discussing all things Iran with my colleague Flynt Leverett — a former senior staff member of the National Security Council, State Department, and CIA and now a member of our team at the NAF American Strategy Program — and his wife, Hillary Mann Leverett, also a former senior State…

Obama Makes Recess Appointments But One Big One Missing



John Bolton is now formally and appropriately addressed as “Ambassador Bolton” because of the right of the executive branch to make recess appointments in the wake of inaction by Congress on presidential nominations. Bolton never got a confirmation vote in the Senate.

Van Wolferen: 1/2 Year of Hatoyama > 1 Year of Obama



Japan’s Prime Minister, Yukio Hatoyama, is having a tough time. The popularity of his cabinet has fallen to the high 30s/low 40s from previously unsustainable, stratospheric heights — but structural change has costs, and I remain optimistic that Democracy 2.0 is taking over in Japan.

My Fault: Apologies to David Frum!



David Frum and many observers think that he was excommunicated from the Cheney-dominated halls at the American Enterprise Institute because of a hard-hitting, honest appraisal of Republican self-delusion and hyperventilation over the health care battle. If you missed Frum’s humdinger of an essay titled “Waterloo“, read it here. And here is the GOP empire’s response….

Democracy in Iraq: Maybe!



Wow. When the unexpected happens in an election, it’s a good market test of whether balloting really does serve as a credible system of expressing the public’s will. Incumbents hardly ever lose — particularly in the Middle East. Despite Hamas winning the elections in Palestine a few years ago, President George W.

The Innovation Delusion



This is a guest note by Ralph Gomory, one of the nation’s leading thinkers about technology, innovation, and the productivity health of national economies. Gomory previously served as IBM’s Senior Vice President for Science and Technology and subsequently as the immediate past president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.