The Robin is Back



Happy Easter everyone. I’ve been enjoying the day reading Charles Kupchan‘s excellent new book titled How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace. As far as I’m concerned, this is one of the real must reads of this season.

Murals: St. Thomas Post Office



I am catching up on some work today that is keeping me from the blog, but I wanted to share this photo of a striking mural painted by Stevan Dohanos in the Alvaro de Lugo Post Office in Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. Happy Easter to those into resurrection, coconut cake, rabbits and eggs.

Simon Johnson’s Straight Talk Express



Today, the Huffington Post sent out a clip of an interesting essay by former IMF Chief Economist Simon Johnson challenging Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s take on financial reform. The essay also appeared at Johnson’s must read personal blog, Baseline Scenario.

Communications Corruption at the White House



The communications team at the White House has an extremely difficult job — and I admire how hard Ben Rhodes, Bill Burton, Tommy Vietor, and of course Robert Gibbs and others work to connect the President’s policy direction with a communications effort that furthers the Obama agenda.

Viewpoint: The Centrality of Jerusalem



This is a guest note by Yousef Munayyer, Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund & The Palestine Center. The above photo is credited with appreciation for its use to the talented photographer, Atef Safadi.

Stuck in the Cold War



(Photo Credit: U.S. Army Photostream) New America Foundation/Economic Growth Program Policy Director and The American Way of Strategy author Michael Lind has an excellent new column over at Salon that traces the roots of the United States’ strategic insolvency.

Europe And Turkey’s Constitutional Reform



Amidst German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Turkey this week, Spiegel Online published a lengthy interview yesterday with Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan . The interview touched on most of the familiar subjects – including Iran’s nuclear program, the Armenian genocide resolution controversy, and Turkey’s ongoing negotiations to join the European Union.