Is Obama Finding His Groove?


(Photo Credit: White House Photostream) Peter Baker has a piece in the New York Times today in which he argues that this week’s 47-nation nuclear security summit represents a coming out party of sorts for Obama’s foreign policy.

Obama’s Nuclear Wizardry and the Iran Factor



Yesterday, I had a terrific exchange with Pete Dominick on his Stand Up with Pete Dominick Show on XM and Sirius Radio on President Obama’s nuclear summitry and what it all means. He actually read a question from one of my commenters, POA (aka “Pissed Off American”) about Israel.

Kyrgyzstan And The Great Powers



(Photo Credit: Department of Defense Photostream) A quick follow-up to yesterday’s post on Kyrgyzstan. Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Richard Weitz has a piece in The Diplomat about the ongoing competition among China, Russia, and the United States in that country.

Obama’s Excellent Nuclear Summitry



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Here are some thoughts that I shared with Keith Olbermann on President Obama’s significant Nuclear Security Summit. More tomorrow.