Kissinger Skeptical Of The BRICs



(Photo Credit: Darthdowney’s Photostream) Former Secretary of State and Grand Strategist Par Excellence Henry Kissinger gave an interview to the Christian Science Monitor‘s Nathan Gardels earlier this week in which he provided a mostly positive assessment of President Obama’s foreign policy thus far.

LIVE STREAM at 9:00 am: Eyal Press on Israel’s Holy Warriors



Bernard Schwartz Fellow Eyal Press has published an in depth look at the explosive issue of settler religious nationalism in Israel’s army in the current issue of the New York Review of Books. “The refuseniks making noise today come from Israel’s religious right, and they want to preserve the occupation, not end it,” he writes….

The Real Problem with “Lone Wolf” Terrorism



A rather unfortunately titled piece in today’s New York Times, “The Search for White Jihadists,” seeks to shed light on the growing problem of Al Qaeda seeking out seemingly non-traditional recruits in order to wage small-scale attacks on the United States. There are some pretty glaring problems with this article, but the following stood out….

LIVE STREAM at 10:00 am: The Battle for Pakistan



Few places in the world have assumed as much importance for the United States and its allies since 2001 as Pakistan’s northwestern tribal regions, which have served as a base for the mix of militants seeking to attack the governments, militaries, and civilians of the United States, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and others.

About John Edwards, Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore



This note is reprinted with permission from a note health care policy blogger Brad Wright sent out. Brad blogs at Wright on Health. Even TMZ Doesn’t Care Anymore. . . Just saw John Edwards at the food court at Southpoint Mall (Durham, NC) and absolutely nobody cared.

The Vital Thomas Schelling: Comments on Nukes, Taboos & Iran



Acclaimed strategist and Nobel Laureate in Economics Thomas Schelling gave a command performance at this American Strategy Program meeting I had the privilege to chair with Arms Control Wonk publisher and New America Foundation Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Director Jeffrey Lewis.