I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO BE ON LINE OVER THE WEEKEND and today because of family obligations, travel, and a conference in the mountains outside of Santa Fe.
Tomorrow I’m speaking at a retreat sponsored by Sandia National Weapons Laboratories about the impact of the election on national security strategy. I will write up more tomorrow on some of my own thoughts but as this conference is almost entirely off the record, I won’t be able to quote folks or relate much about the meeting.
I will be on a panel in the morning with my former boss, Senator Jeff Bingaman, as well as Republican House Member Heather Wilson. I haven’t heard Jeff’s reactions to the election so that should be very interesting given the fact that he is one of the most intellectually capable people in the U.S. Senate and has been elected four times to that chamber from a mostly red state.
New Mexico still has not declared the winner in the presidential race. Democrats and Republicans I have met here think that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is extending the process to absurd lengths to keep himself in the news — and is trying to come up with enough Democrat votes here and there (just joking) that he will still be considered a viable presidential candidate in the future — one who carried his state for the Democratic ticket.
More tomorrow — and I have a lot to post on a wide variety of topics, including my thinking on what Democrats need to do to stop floundering after repeated election failures.
— Steve Clemons