CYNTHIA WEBB ASKS WHETHER TELECOM IS BACK? Well, maybe for the oligopolistic Baby Bells, but the innovative technology players are struggling hard to get us the infrastructure that America’s so-called “information age” needs but doesn’t yet have.
The news on broadband and high-speed, big information pipe connectivity is mixed.
But to know where America should be, we should be looking at where other nations are.
National Journal’s Tech Daily reported on 19 October 2004 that a new report from the Int’l Telecommunications Union (ITU) showed the United States dropping from 11th to 13th in broadband penetration among 75 nations from 2002 to 2003.
In the year 2000, America was #3. Now we are #13.
The top three in broadband penetration today are South Korea, Hong Kong and Canada.
For frustrated broadband believers, here’s an article that says it all (needs a subscription) regarding South Korea’s broadband preeminence over America. The intro: “Nearly everyone in S. Korea has Internet access that puts Americans’ to shame. Result: This little nation could have a giant influence on the digital future.”
I hope Telecom (and Broadband) do come back. But so far, Michael Powell’s reign at the Federal Communications Commission and Bush’s poor broadband policy execution are making America’s information age roadmap look pathetic.
— Steve Clemons