Tidbits on a DC Snow Day: Storms, Realists, Feinstein’s Chairs, Churchill, LBJ & Nigel Sheinwald



Snow Storms & Roads In snow-challenged Washington, DC, Nebraska Avenue and the roads around Vice President’s Naval Observatory home are immaculate, completely cleared of snow and ice — but the major artery of Massachusetts Avenue is a horizontal snow slush, barely plowed.

Today Show Discussion of Obama Team Policy Mess



Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I did a short interview with NBC Chief White House Correspondent Chuck Todd yesterday about the essay I did based on Edward Luce’s Financial Times account of things going awry at the inner core of the Obama administration.

John Murtha Dies



Representative John Murtha (D-PA) took on the Swift-Boat crowd. He was an old-line, earmark oriented defense industry hawk who eventually opposed the Iraq War. He died today at 77. From an official release from his office: Congressman John P. Murtha (PA-12) passed away peacefully this afternoon at 1:18 p.m.

Core Chicago Team Sinking Obama Presidency



(Obama’s Core Team at press conference on Obama administration’s 100th day; photo credit: Bill O’leary, Washington Post) Financial Times Washington Bureau Chief Edward Luce has written a granularly informed insider account about those who hold the keys to the inner most sanctum of Obama Land — Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs, Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod….

One Phone Call/Two Countries Chat: US-China Showdown May Be On Way



My close pal, Chris Nelson, who was essentially blogging before there were blogs publishes the uber-insider Nelson Report (not online and available only to those who pay a super high subscription fee or who feed him insider political details that offset the $$).

Obama Sends Chocolates to Senator Richard Shelby



Actually, he hasn’t yet, but Obama should. The Obama team has not had a very good month. From GITMO to health care, to bickering behind the scenes about Paul Volcker’s bank regulation efforts, to China policy, and making any progress on any international initiatives, the administration’s “magic” has been collapsing.