Haniyeh Makes Idiotic Statement on Par with Falwell and Robertson



This is abhorrent — and Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh, if he wants to be taken seriously in the modern world, needs to get modern. This kind of statement puts him right up there with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson blaming 9/11 on gays, liberals, and feminists.

Ayalon Responds: Adds Egypt, Jordan and Palestinian Authority to List



Many thanks to Israel Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon for responding to my post and tweet @SCClemons. He has amended his piece with the following Tweet: @Danny Ayalon: Too many countries, too little space. “Immediate neighbors” includes Egypt, Jordan and the PA.

Agendas & Intel Ops Behind Wikileaks?



My powder is dry on the interesting subject that Zbigniew Brzezinski raised on PBS NewsHour. He suggested that in this enormous Wikileaks data dump of largely trivial cables, there are selections of highly pointed and embarrassing material. Brzezinski asks if someone with designs has planted this or selectively leaked to the operation.

The FP 100 is Out



Foreign Policy just released its roster of the Top 100 Global Thinkers (and Doers): Warren Buffett and Bill Gates * Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Robert Zoellick * Barack Obama * Zhou Xiaochuan * Ben Bernanke * Celso Amorim * Ahmet Davutoglu * David Petraeus * Robert Gates * Angela Merkel * Michael Bloomberg and Feisal Abdul…