Jim & Sarah Brady Statement on Giffords Rally Tragedy in Tucson



Statement from Jim and Sarah Brady: Jim and I are deeply saddened and deeply angered by the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, members of her staff, Judge John Roll, and the constituents, including a 9-year-old child, who had assembled with her outside of a Tucson grocery store today.

An Encounter with Salman Taseer



Courtesy of defense analyst and businessman Harlan Ullman and his wife, I had the opportunity to meet and talk extensively with Pakistan Punjab Province Governor Salman Taseer at their Georgetown home on May 17th this past year. The intimate reception was comprised mostly of senior level Department of Defense and Department of State officials.

Price for Jonathan Pollard’s Release Should be a Done Deal on Palestine



Jonathan Pollard was paid for his espionage by a foreign government. Whether that government was the Soviet Union, China, Great Britain, or as it turned out — Israel — Pollard was a compensated enemy of the US national interest and convicted.

Jennifer Rubin’s Non-Realist Slant on Brzezinski’s Realism



I have yet to meet the Washington Post‘s new online oped contributor, Jennifer Rubin, who has chastised Zbigniew Brzezinski for unrealistic realism but I look forward to a chance to seriously discuss the evolution of US foreign policy thinking and how each of the boxes views the others.

Not on the FP 100 Top Global Thinkers List



Foreign Policy magazine asked those attending its major gala release at The Corcoran of the 2010 FP100 Top Global Thinkers to feel free to comment and send in thoughts on who should have been on the list and did not make the cut for one reason or another.

The View on Your Road: The Panamint Range



(photo credit: Kori Schake; click image for larger version) My friend Kori Schake sent in this beautiful pic of Rainbow Canyon in the Panamint Range. Tomorrow everything heats up again on TWN — Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine, Iran, Cuba, America’s jobs and infrastructure deficits, and more. More then.