Responding to Gaddafi: What to Really Do? Risks?



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy This is a clip of my conversation tonight with Rachel Maddow about the costs and benefits of the UN resolution authorizing any measure than occupation to protect the Libyan people from Moammer Gaddafi.

America on Edge Again: Libya Vote, Libya Vote, Tick Tock, Libya Vote



The United States is about to vote on a UN Security Council Resolution calling for measures — including armed intervention — to protect the Libyan people from Moammer Gaddafi’s tanks, planes and guns. In other words, the US and allies are on the edge of yet another war in the Middle East.

US-Japan Friendship Dolls Then & How to Help Today



In a heart-moving gesture a few years after the great Kanto earthquake of 1923 in Japan, American children made 12,000 blue-eyed dolls and sent them to Japanese children. After that, 58 highly ornate, beautifully crafted Japanese “Friendship Dolls” were sent by Japanese children to American children.

Japan’s Worrisome Future: Can it Reinvent Itself after These Calamities?



I spoke with Fareed Zakaria on CNN’s GPS yesterday morning about various possible political and economic impacts of the earthquake, tsunami and worsening nuclear crisis in Japan. Suffice it to say that the production quality of my video presence wasn’t awesome as I did this over Skype from my Doha Sheraton hotel room.

Supporting a No-Fly Zone is Still Fiddling: Responding to Anne-Marie Slaughter



My friend Anne-Marie Slaughter, former Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and now back teaching at Princeton University, has written a compelling, passionate call for the US to immediately push for a UN Resolution to impose a no-fly zone over Libya.

On the Murder of West Bank Settlers



The brutal killing of a family of five Israeli settlers, all from one family and including three children, in the West Bank is deeply disturbing. Little is known of the killer’s motivations at the moment — but no matter what they were, this was a despicable act that makes tensions between Palestinians and Israelis worse….