IRAQ SCORECARD: Cordesman Picture Bleak



My own views were captured in this lead editorial today in the Philadelphia Inquirer, but I think that this roster of benchmarks that CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman sent TWN is extremely useful. It ought to become the “mantra card” for serious political opponents of this administration’s Cheney-led national security team.

Was It Richard Armitage?



Here is what I wrote Richard Armitage and the Plame Case in November 2005: Could this insider source be Stephen Hadley? Seems odd to me. To many, Hadley still ranks fairly high as Bob Woodward’s source — and at least to my knowledge — Hadley has only “hinted” that he was not Woodward’s source.

Open Thread: Oakley Inc. Named After a Dog



Up at Pocantico this evening at the home and estate of the Rockefeller clan to discuss U.S. foreign policy options. The op-ed I wrote for a Japanese paper, the Daily Yomiuri, two posts below is getting a surprising amount of attention internationally. I’ve had lots of email responses. But let me leave you with this….

Define “Stunning Isolation”: America’s Position on United Nations Human Rights Council



Finally, people are beginning to see that there is a serious gap between Condi Rice and John Bolton. Anne-Marie Slaughter sums up the state of affairs regarding America’s stance towards the new Human Rights Council beautifully.

Time for Bush to Re-Think Foreign Policy Legacy



I scribbled the following piece when in Jerusalem and sent to friends in Tokyo to consider publishing. It has just appeared in Japan’s largest English language daily, the Daily Yomiuri. Daily Yomiuri — March 18, 2006 Time for Bush to Turn Realist by Steven Clemons The various denominations that have demarcated the U.S.