Olmert Calls on Abbas for Negotiations



Well, this is big news. The man who will be Israel’s next Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert has dropped his bid for unilaterally settling Israel’s borders and has called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to negoatiate the permanent borders of Israel. Last Wednesday, Abbas said he was ready for such negotiations.

Signs of “Low Anxiety”: Israelis Not Turning Out to Vote



Despite the anxiety many feel about the elections in Israel today, thus far the polls show the lowest turnout in Israel’s history. This is interesting and may mean that efforts to scare Israelis to the polls, whether the source of fear is Netanyahu or Hamas, are having little effect. More later.

Beneath the Surface on Plame Investigation: Rove and Libby in Deadly Dog Fight



This just hit the internet at Raw Story, and TWN has confirmed the essential points through a source close to Rove: According to several Pentagon sources close to Rove and others familiar with the inquiry, Bush’s senior adviser tipped off Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to information that led to the recent “discovery” of 250 pages…

President Bush Did It & It’s a Sicilian Thing: Scalia’s Potential Excuses for Flipping Off Critics Minutes after Catholic Mass



Antonin Scalia, who has already declared his full-fledged support for secret military tribunals BEFORE hearing the appeal this week, has startled Christians around the nation by “flipping off” critics moments after attenting Roman Catholic mass.

Secret Military Tribunals: US Teaches World Loopholes in Democracy



I find myself intrigued with last evening’s installment on The Morningside Post, a new blog launched by students at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). SIPA apparently invited Libyan President Muammar al-Qaddafi to speak — which he did via teleconference.