Remarks by Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Turki Al-Faisal on Middle East Crisis



(Steven Clemons and Saudi Ambassador to the US Prince Turki Al-Faisal) A Saudi Perspective on the Middle East Crisis and America’s Stakes in the Region a salon dinner presentation by HRH Prince Turki-Al Faisal, Saudi Ambassador to the United States New America Foundation/American Strategy Program Session Chairman: Steven Clemons Monday, 31 July 2006 Restaurant Nora,…

Saudi Ambassador to US Turki Al-Faisal on Middle East Crisis



Tonight in my capacity as head of foreign policy programs at the New America Foundation, I am hosting a dinner salon gathering to discuss the growing conflagration in the Middle East with Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Turki Al-Faisal.

Let’s Hear that John Bolton Line Now: The Deaths of Innocent Lebanese Not Equivalent to the Deaths of Innocent Israelis



An Israeli air strike has killed 54 civilians — including 37 children. This after the strike against a UN observation facility where UN staff were killed — and also after hundreds and hundreds of other innocent Lebanese have been killed in the exchanges between Hezbollah and Israeli military forces.




Senator Hagel’s speech today — posted below — was quite superb in articulating a smart stragegy for American engagement in the Middle East. I asked the Senator about his views regarding John Bolton’s confirmation as the Senator was not able to attend the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearings yesterday.

Head to Brookings: Senator Chuck Hagel is Going to Make News on Middle East Crisis in Speech Today



Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) has a speech ready to go today at the Brookings Institution (11 a.m.) that is very significant — and is focused on the Middle East crisis and on the question of American engagement in the world.

Lincoln Chafee Shoves Bolton Around on his “Terrorism” Simple-Mindedness and on Israel-Palestine



OK — Something interesting is going on with Lincoln Chafee. He just shoved John Bolton all over the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing Room floor. Must have had spinach and Wheaties this morning.

Richard Durbin: Bolton Filibuster Needs ONLY One More Vote



On “The Young Turks” Radio Show, Senator Dick Durbin says the Bolton bilibuster needs only one more vote to succeed. Frankly, this is better than I thought we had, and we have until mid-September to wrangle that vote.

John Bolton: My Views on the UN Remain Unchanged



Senator Norm Coleman just asked John Bolton that now after he has been inside the UN whether his views of the institution and its role have changed at all. John Bolton’s response: “Not really.” On that basis alone, Senator George Voinovich should flip his vote again.