Fanatics at Home



I may be a bit late to this story of the Brooklyn-based Jewish Ultra-Orthodox newspaper, Der Tzitung, photo-shopping Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Obama Counter-Terrorism Adviser Audrey Tomason out of the White House photo of the President’s national security team watching the zap bin Laden operation, but geez — this is pretty bad.

What Happened to The Budget Surplus of 2000?



Paul Krugman has a powerful slap at the emerging narrative that America’s working families and average citizens wanted something for nothing and thus precipitated the economic disaster of recent years. Instead, Krugman shows what powerful interest groups can do.

Delta Airlines Needs to Stamp Out Racial Discrimination



The kind of discrimination against Muslims — in this case on Delta Airlines — is going on all around the country. In this case, two Imams dressed in traditional outfits were removed from a Delta flight by the captain. The irony here is that they were flying to a conference on religious tolerance.

Pakistan: America’s High-Stakes Frenemy



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy On The Rachel Maddow Show last night, I shared some of my thoughts about America’s very complex relationship with Pakistan — in which that government is part friend of American interests and part enemy.

Bin Laden Photo: Obama Makes Mistake Holding Back Photo



With all due respect to President Obama, he is making a serious mistake by not releasing a photo showing that Osama bin Laden was killed. President Obama is expecting the world to trust his word, America’s word, that bin Laden is gone — but there are many doubts about American credibility in the world today….