New America Foundation Acquires Google CEO



Well, sort of. After nine years of exemplary leadership, Atlantic Monthly National Correspondent James Fallows is stepping down as Chairman of the Board of the New America Foundation — for which I previously served as Executive Vice President and am now Director of the New America Foundation/American Strategy Program.

Heavy Sledding Ahead Says Clinton Insider



A Clinton insider sent me this note early this morning — agreeing with part of my take on yesterday’s Super Tuesday outcome: surge story ended, but money story begins. heavy sledding ahead Now the news has broken that Hillary Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million. To some degree, that’s not a big deal.

The Presidential Race Through Facebook: <em>Brian Lehrer Live</em> Tonight



Tonight, I’m going to be on Brian Lehrer Live — a televised interview production with the well-respected WNYC New York Public Radio host Brian Lehrer between 7:30 and 8:30 PM. The show can be watched live on Time Warner Cable (Channel 75) or seen streaming over the web at CUNY TV’s site.

Clinton Campaign Conference Call



Hillary Rodham Clinton’s National Gallery portrait by Ginny Stanford This morning, I was invited to a media call with Clinton campaign director Howard Wolfson and strategist Mark Penn. It took forever for the call operator to get me on the call — more than 12 minutes waiting so missed the beginning of Wolfson’s statement.

The Jack Nicholson Factor



Friends of mine just asked what I thought John Edwards would do now. Would he endorse Obama or Clinton? Then I got an email asking what I thought Bill Richardson would do. I have no idea on either of them — but endorsements at this point are of less and less consequence. . .