Weimaraner Takes “Best in Sporting Group” at Westminster!

(Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner is going to miss his traveling dad) Some folks heart Huckabees — and I heart Weimaraners, particularly Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner and his kid sis Annie.
(Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner is going to miss his traveling dad) Some folks heart Huckabees — and I heart Weimaraners, particularly Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner and his kid sis Annie.
I have some real concerns about the hype about Barack Obama.
While there are still no knock-out punches on the Dem side, McCain’s slim but take-all-the-delegates win in Virginia gives the McCain tally 60 more pledged delegates for a new total of 789.
I have no idea whether either Obama or Clinton promised to secure real voting rights for residents of the District of Columbia — but if it hasn’t come up, someone better get it on the to do list if a Dem wins the White House.
Mike Boyer over at Foreign Policy Magazine‘s Passport blog just offered a number of sensible reasons why John Bolton probably would not be appointed by a President McCain to serve as Secretary of State. Boyer is right on the whole — though he need not worry about classifying Bolton as a neocon. He is not….
Weather in Maryland is very bad right now. Bridges are shut down all around Baltimore, Annapolis, Chestertown, and the broader Eastern Shore. So the State of Maryland where I occasionally reside has decided to get CNN, MSNBC, Fox and other network pundits some overtime pay by keeping the polls open an extended 90 minutes.
Like some of these folks mentioned on Washington Metroblogging, I am a registered Independent — so I didn’t get to take part in the voting activity that took place today in DC’s closed primary.
So after years and years of doing nothing with the detainees at Guantanamo, the Bush administration decides to launch the “al Qaeda trials” — which the administration is comparing to Nuremberg — during this stretch of the political campaign season.
I tend to disagree with Scott Paul below about the role of superdelegates in this year’s contest. Reform and redirection of the process may make sense for the future — but once the gun went off this year, my view is that you leave the structure as it was when the race began.
I’ve just written this remembrance of Tom Lantos for TPMCafe. His shift on Israel-Palestine negotiations and American engagement with Iran and the Middle East writ large can’t be called a full-on conversion, but his shift in a progressive direction was significant and should be remembered.