Afghanistan 2013: America Shifts Course


Chris Matthews speaks with The Atlantic‘s Steve Clemons and Matthew Hoh of the Center for International Policy Last night, former State Department official and US Marine Matthew Hoh, now a Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy, and I had a very good discussion with Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Hardball about Defense Secretary Leon…

Obama’s Speeches and that SEAL Team: Bad News for Bad Guys


Steve Clemons discusses with Lawrence O’Donnell Obama’s big gamble deploying Navy SEAL Team 6 on another high-risk mission I shared some thoughts with Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC’s The Last Word on the yet again amazing performance of the Navy SEALs, Team 6, in rescuing American Jessica Buchanan and Dane Poul Thisted.

Romney Snubbing Hispanics?


Are Hispanic Americans on Romney’s call list? While there have been a long slog of GOP debates, and people may be asking why any more encounters matter at this point — Hispanic Americans want their turn at bat and are working hard to pull off ‘the Hispanic issues conversation‘ next Wednesday.

Man-made Tragedies, Angelina Jolie, and Women


(Credit: Alberto Barreto; reprinted with permission, CIPE) I haven’t yet sorted out all of the intense feelings generated by watching the new Angelina Jolie written and directed film, In the Land of Blood and Honey, but I will have something up soon.

They are “Us”: Pissing on the Taliban


As Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, US military officers — incumbents and retired — and others in DC’s firmament condemn the US Marines that apparently urinated on dead Taliban militants, I’m wondering how long it will take for a movement to grow inside the United States that embraces the soldiers and the “pissing act” that Panetta…

Reframing US Strategy in a Turbulent World


Broadcasting live with Ustream As previously mentioned, I will be chairing a session today at the New America Foundation between 12:15 pm and 1:45 pm EST titled “Reframing US Strategy in a Turbulent World: American Spring?” The speakers are Georgetown Professor and Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Charles Kupchan, New America Foundation fellow and…

RIP Tony Blankley


The last time I saw Tony Blankley was at an interesting dinner hosted by David DesRosiers of Real Clear Politics and Carl Schramm of the Kauffman Foundation in July 2011 at the Jefferson Hotel.

Obama’s Team Could Learn from Rumsfeld on Defense Department Shifts


photo courtesy:  White House While budget details of President Obama’s just unveiled new defense strategy remain scant and vague and the President feels the need to continue hawking his combo of budgetary constraint and military hawkishness, stating that his forthcoming budgets would still be larger than those of the preceding Bush administration.