China-US Strategic & Economic Dialogue Discussion


Steve Clemons standing next to statue commemorating Xu Xiake (1587-1641), who chronicled his travels throughout China during the late Ming Dynasty. This picture was taken at Liyuan Park on the edge of Lake Taihu in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China.

Obama likes Bud Light!? What are YOU Drinking Tonight?



President Obama is going to help mend the rift between African-Americans who have experienced a life of racial-profiling and misunderstood policemen with an early evening White House therapy session involving beer consumption. According to this report, Henry Louis Gates has ordered “Red Stripe”. Cambride, Massachusetts police sergeant James Crowley will have “Blue Moon”.

The US-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue Power Dinner: Love Fest Clarifies Obama Priorities



Former AIG Chairman Maurice “Hank” Greenberg waited outside the Ritz Carlton in a very long line of well-heeled Washingtonians waiting to be allowed by the organizers to access air-conditioning and get into the event ballroom. I clicked my iPhone weather application and it was 89 degrees outside — high humidity.