Obama on the Court in Copenhagen



President Obama demonstrated his work-the-situation prowess in Copenhagen in which he molded a meeting planned with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who may have been trying to duck Obama, into a five way chat between the leaders of China, Brazil, India, South Africa and the United States. When Obama is on, he really is on.

Heat Rising in US Senate as Franken Refuses to Give Joe Lieberman an Extra Moment



This may not seem like a big deal to many, but as one who watches Senate process closely, I believe that this seemingly minor exchange is a symptom of how stressed the US Senate is regarding health care reform and Senator Joseph Lieberman‘s role.

Chuck Hagel & David Boren to be Sworn in by VP Biden



This morning, I learned in Politico that the AP’s Ron Fournier, The Atlantic‘s James Fallows, the New York Times‘ Adam Nagourney, HuffPost‘s Sam Stein, and now Politico‘s Daniel Libit all are getting as much attention from, if not more, from “news hound” Daniel Lippman, an 19-year old George Washington University student who sends “us” a…

Robert Wexler’s “Dear Colleague” to Congressional Members on New Israel Attitudes Poll



Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL-19), who will soon leave his post to take on the presidency of the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation has just sent this morning an important note to Congressional Members about a New America Foundation poll of Israeli public attitudes yesterday.