Budrus Is a Must-See



I was honored last night to be invited to a small showing of the movie Budrus, a documentary about one town in the West Bank that successfully and non-violently resisted Israeli efforts in 2003 to build the separation barrier in a way that would have encircled the town, cutting the residents off from their land…

LIVE STREAM at 12:15 pm: Peter Beinart on Hubris and Foreign Policy



New America Foundation fellow and Daily Beast columnist Peter Beinart has received overwhelming attention recently for his controversial and vitally important piece on American Jews, Jewish organizations and Israel. But he is also the author of a new and wide-ranging book, The Icarus Syndrome: A History of American Hubris.

LIVE STREAM at 12:15 pm: Charles Kupchan on Turning Enemies into Friends



Georgetown University Professor and Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow Charles Kupchan has written an important book, How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace, that deals with the vital issue of how to effectively negotiate and make peace with international rivals and opponents.

Remembering Our End Goals in Iran



Last week’s controversial uranium enrichment agreement among Iran, Turkey and Brazil, along with the subsequent decision from the P5+1 countries to push forward with sanctions, throws into stark relief the tendency for the U.S. and Iran to talk past each other, as the possibility for constructive dialogue slips further and further away.

The Supreme Court and the Travel Ban to Cuba



Nicholas Maliska is a research intern with the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. This post originally appeared at The Havana Note. With President Obama’s nomination of Elena Kagan to replace Justice John Paul Stevens, the U.S. Supreme Court is changing (although this change should not significantly alter the ideological balance of the Court).