Comments Alert


Greetings readers. Well, have to get back to monitoring again.
I have just banned a couple of prominent commenters — sorry, but just had to. I’ve warned too many times — and given that this is a blog that covers a ton of different topics, I don’t like the climate here when someone tries to hijack the section to always be about Israel issues. As I’ve said before, I love debate and learn much from the comments — but anyone who thinks they have the right to dominate the tone of the blog, its subject matter, and to bully others (and me) can really go elsewhere or start his or her own blog.
There is also a guy in Manchester, England — that’s right, I know where you are — that continues to post ugly, profane, slurs of prominent people. I’m having trouble banning his ISP.
So, that means I have to put the comments on a review period for a time as I want none of the banned commenters back.
When we have order and reasonable discussion back in play, I’ll remove the restrictions. That’s the way we have to play this game unfortunately.
I’m on a plane back to Washington, DC from Vienna in about an hour — so be patient with comments over night.
All best — and thanks for your patience,
— Steve Clemons


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