The Strange Case of Dr. Sugar Bear and Mr. Kujo


Sugar Bear Poison Ivy Dog Aspen Institute.jpg
Thumbnail image for aspen ideas festival twn.jpgAt the Aspen Ideas Festival 2010, at which I had a terrific time and had some of my own perspectives on policy matters stretched in new directions, I met this fun, woods and water loving dog — named Sugar Bear something-or-other.
poison ivy thurman.jpgShe had just punctured a nice pink ball on the grounds at Aspen, and her owner and I were kicking around the destroyed toy with the pup. But this was in Jekyll & Hyde terms, Dr. Sugar Bear.
Mr. Kujo (or Hyde) is the dog that managed to get poison ivy or poison oak oil on my wrists, arms, and legs — and now I’m in Beijing paying the price for my puppy addiction.
If anyone knows where to get some low-grade, poison ivy blister fixing steroids in Beijing — drop me a line.
A former senior US diplomat at an institution I won’t mention here today wrote me an extremely unhappy note the other day. He no doubt would take some pleasure in the fact that I’m tortured by this poison ivy stuff right now. I like this diplomat and respect him and his work, and as unhappy as he was — at least one person in the world ought to get some joy from my current misery. (And for the person who knows him, yes — you can share this.)
More soon.
— Steve Clemons


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