My Fellow Citizens, To Keep You and All Americans Safe, I Lied to You — AGAIN


I’m participating in a conference in Mexico City titled “Prospects for US-Mexico-Cuba E-Engagement” sponsored by the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin, the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies, and ITAM.
There are a number of Cubans here, and I can’t help but think that George Bush’s rationalization for all that he does in terms of national security is an art Fidel Castro perfected long ago as well as lots of other illiberal leaders who talked the talk of democracy, but walked the walk of Orwell’s nightmares and saw their citizens as the enemy.
How does George Bush tell American citizens, yet again, “I lied to save you”?
How will Republicans tell their base supporters that their worst fears about a big, unchecked government that intruded deeply into their private lives have come true — but have come true at the ends of their own party leaders and not Democrats.
I don’t see a way.
More later.
— Steve Clemons


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